Architect Continuing Education

Architects are professionals trained in the art and science of building design. They develop the concepts for structures and turn those concepts into images and plans, which eventually may become homes, office buildings and other facilities. Their work involves more than just the appearance of a structure.

The following online architectural continuing education courses have been selected carefully to satisfy the CEU continuing education requirements for RA professional architects to meet their professional development hour CE or PDH requirements to renew their license. These courses have been selected to maintain, improve or expand the technical knowledge of the RA professional architects in his/her field of practice.

All Subject matters are technical in nature and addresses business management practices, professional ethics, quality assurance, codes or other similar topics which facilitate the licensee's professional development and serves to safeguard (HSW) Health, safety and welfare of the citizens.

AIA Approved Architect Continuing Education Courses

ID Course Name PDH Price
OL547How to Construct and Maintain Gravel Roads New PDH Course - How to Construct and Maintain Gravel Roads 15$225.00
OL545Dollar General Store Roof Collapse in Florida New PDH Course - Dollar General Store Roof Collapse in Florida 5$75.00
OL544Accident - Bridge Collapse in North Carolina New PDH Course - Accident - Bridge Collapse in North Carolina 6$90.00
OL542Basic Surveying New PDH Course - Basic Surveying 7$105.00
OL541Basic Surveying Manual New PDH Course - Basic Surveying Manual 9$108.00
OL534New York Land Surveyors' Standards and Procedures Manual New PDH Course - New York Land Surveyors' Standards and Procedures Manual 22$264.00
OL533A Cyber Attack on the U.S. Power Grid New PDH Course - A Cyber Attack on the U.S. Power Grid 2$24.00
OL528How to Make Basic Concrete at Home New PDH Course - How to Make Basic Concrete at Home 2$24.00
OL527How to Manage your Dirt and Gravel Road New PDH Course - How to Manage your Dirt and Gravel Road 3$45.00
OL526How to Mix Concrete by Hand New PDH Course - How to Mix Concrete by Hand 2$30.00
OL525Residential Structural Guide 2nd Edition New PDH Course - Residential Structural Guide 2nd Edition 10$150.00
OL495Mast Climbing Platform Collapse in Austin, Texas New PDH Course - Mast Climbing Platform Collapse in Austin, Texas 4$48.00
OL494Plant Collapse at Omaha Nebraska New PDH Course - Plant Collapse at Omaha Nebraska 4$60.00
OL492ADA - Toilet Rooms, Saunas, and Washer and Dryer New PDH Course - ADA - Toilet Rooms, Saunas, and Washer and Dryer 6$90.00
OL491ADA - Accessible, Golf, Playground, Swimming and Fishing New PDH Course - ADA - Accessible, Golf, Playground, Swimming and Fishing 17$204.00
OL490Trench Collapse New PDH Course - Trench Collapse 1$15.00
OL489Excavation Collapse New PDH Course - Excavation Collapse 3$45.00
OL488A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence New PDH Course - A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 1$15.00
OL487ADA - Accessible Routes New PDH Course - ADA - Accessible Routes 2$24.00
OL486ADA Inspection New PDH Course - ADA Inspection 2$30.00
OL485Collapse of Building under Construction New PDH Course - Collapse of Building under Construction 2$30.00
OL484ADA - Elevators and Platform Lifts New PDH Course - ADA - Elevators and Platform Lifts 2$24.00
OL482Masonry Wall Collapse New PDH Course - Masonry Wall Collapse 2$30.00
OL481ADA - Operable Parts, Drinking Fountains and Stairways New PDH Course - ADA - Operable Parts, Drinking Fountains and Stairways 3$36.00
OL480ADA - Ramps and Curb Ramps New PDH Course - ADA - Ramps and Curb Ramps 2$24.00
OL475Pedestrian Bridge Collapse in Miami, Florida New PDH Course - Pedestrian Bridge Collapse in Miami, Florida 15$180.00
OL436What is LiDAR Technology PDH Course - What is LiDAR Technology 10$120.00
OL422Construction Project Management PDH Course - Construction Project Management 15$180.00
OL433How to Maintain Gravel Road PDH Course - How to Maintain Gravel Road 20$240.00
OL463Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan PDH Course - Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 6$72.00
OL435Surveying and Mapping with Drones PDH Course - Surveying and Mapping with Drones 1$12.00
OL429Pond Construction and Design PDH Course - Pond Construction and Design 6$72.00
OL425Curing Concrete PDH Course - Curing Concrete 4$60.00
OL424Cost Comparison between Drone vs Traditional Surveying PDH Course - Cost Comparison between Drone vs Traditional Surveying 5$60.00
OL437Guide to ADA Standards PDH Course - Guide to ADA Standards 25$300.00
OL447Concrete Testing PDH Course - Concrete Testing 8$120.00
OL443An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice PDH Course - An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice 2$30.00
OL414Impact of Rework in Construction Cost2$24.00
OL007Americans with Disabilities Act3$45.00
OL459One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees PDH Course - One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees 2$24.00
OL445Basics of Soil Mechanics PDH Course - Basics of Soil Mechanics 2$30.00
OL456How to Improve Soft Ground PDH Course - How to Improve Soft Ground 5$75.00
OL432How to Put an Access Road on Your Property PDH Course - How to Put an Access Road on Your Property 3$45.00
OL428Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers PDH Course - Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers 1$15.00
OL070Site Planning and Design8$48.00
OL454Green Street PDH Course - Green Street 1$15.00
OL460OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety PDH Course - OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety 1$15.00
OL461Park Design Standards Manual PDH Course - Park Design Standards Manual 6$54.00
OL014Causes of Distress and Deterioration in Concrete5$60.00
OL462Personal Protective Equipment PDH Course - Personal Protective Equipment 4$48.00
OL426Danger of Asbestos Around the World PDH Course - Danger of Asbestos Around the World 6$72.00
OL452Energy Efficient Building Design Guidelines PDH Course - Energy Efficient Building Design Guidelines 6$72.00
OL421Advanced Drone Technology PDH Course - Advanced Drone Technology 7$105.00
OL434Small Unmanned Craft for Surveying PDH Course - Small Unmanned Craft for Surveying 4$60.00
OL423Corrosion Control PDH Course - Corrosion Control 6$90.00

OL488A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1$15.00
OL533A Cyber Attack on the U.S. Power Grid2$24.00
OL255A Guide for City Water2$30.00
OL431A Landowner's Guide to Building Forest Access Road7$84.00
OL106A Policy Guide to Steel Moment Frame Construction3$45.00
OL413A Review of Change Order in Construction2$24.00
OL544Accident - Bridge Collapse in North Carolina6$90.00
OL416Accident - Preventing Fire Accident in School Demonstrations2$30.00
OL487ADA - Accessible Routes2$24.00
OL491ADA - Accessible, Golf, Playground, Swimming and Fishing17$204.00
OL484ADA - Elevators and Platform Lifts2$24.00
OL481ADA - Operable Parts, Drinking Fountains and Stairways3$36.00
OL480ADA - Ramps and Curb Ramps2$24.00
OL492ADA - Toilet Rooms, Saunas, and Washer and Dryer6$90.00
OL001ADA and City Government Common Problems + ADA Accessible Stadiums2$30.00
OL002ADA Guide for Small Business2$30.00
OL003ADA Guide For Small Towns3$45.00
OL486ADA Inspection2$30.00
OL004ADA Standards for Accessible Design 201030$349.00
OL005ADA Title III Highlights2$30.00
OL339Admixtures for Concrete3$45.00
OL421Advanced Drone Technology7$105.00
OL337Advanced Excel Formulas and Functions8$48.00
OL007Americans with Disabilities Act3$45.00
OL443An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice2$30.00
OL110Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry2$30.00
OL233Basic Geodesy4$60.00
OL542Basic Surveying7$105.00
OL541Basic Surveying Manual9$108.00
OL445Basics of Soil Mechanics2$30.00
OL350Blue LEDs - Filling the World with New Light1$12.00
OL014Causes of Distress and Deterioration in Concrete5$60.00
OL016Child Development Center5$15.00
OL485Collapse of Building under Construction2$30.00
OL338Complete Street Design Guidelines6$72.00
OL440Concrete Construction12$180.00
OL341Concrete Floor Systems Design Guide3$36.00
OL112Concrete Hydraulic Structures, Time - History Dynamic Analysis36$108.00
OL447Concrete Testing8$120.00
OL113Construction Considerations for Low Density Concrete1$12.00
OL342Construction Material Plant Quality Program3$18.00
OL019Construction Pocket Guide1$12.00
OL422Construction Project Management15$180.00
OL423Corrosion Control6$90.00
OL424Cost Comparison between Drone vs Traditional Surveying5$60.00
OL167Covered Storage12$72.00
OL317Culvert Characteristics2$30.00
OL357Culverts Design9$108.00
OL425Curing Concrete4$60.00
OL426Danger of Asbestos Around the World6$72.00
OL115Design and Construction of Safe Room and Shelter Against Terrorist Attack26$312.00
OL356Design and Construction Procedures for Concrete Overlay and Widening of Existing Pavements20$120.00
OL116Design Guide for Improving School Safety30$90.00
OL117Design Guide in Improving Hospital Safety36$108.00
OL355Design of Flexible Pavements23$69.00
OL020Design of Sheet Pile Wall - US Army10$150.00
OL398Design Techniques, Construction Practices, and Materials for Affordable Housing11$132.00
OL082Design, Guidelines & Standards for Historic Districts5$75.00
OL118Designing for Earthquakes30$349.00
OL545Dollar General Store Roof Collapse in Florida5$75.00
OL452Energy Efficient Building Design Guidelines6$72.00
OL085Evaluation and Repair of Concrete Structures18$216.00
OL489Excavation Collapse3$45.00
OL402Fire Protection of Structural Steel in High-Rise Buildings10$60.00
OL031Foundation in Expansive Soils10$120.00
OL086General Principles of Pumping Stations and Layout4$60.00
OL309Green Building - Greening Federal Facilities20$120.00
OL214Green Building - LEED 2009 for New Constructions and Major Renovations12$180.00
OL213Green Building - LEED, Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings19$228.00
OL035Green Building - Rating Systems for Existing Buildings15$225.00
OL034Green Building - Rating Systems for New Construction & Major Renovations10$150.00
OL215Green Building - Sustainable Buildings6$90.00
OL212Green Building Guidelines, New Home Construction6$90.00
OL216Green Remediation - Incorporating Sustainable Environmental Practices into Remediation of Contaminated Sites8$48.00
OL454Green Street1$15.00
OL196Grouting Technology15$90.00
OL399Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction11$165.00
OL343Guide for Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots4$48.00
OL437Guide to ADA Standards25$300.00
OL401Guideline on General Contractor - Subcontractor Relations10$120.00
OL036Heavy Load on Concrete Slabs4$60.00
OL087History of Coastal Engineering4$60.00
OL037Home Builder Guide I4$60.00
OL038Home Builder Guide II2$30.00
OL039Home Builder Guide III5$75.00
OL189Home Builder's Guide to Seismic Resistant Construction8$96.00
OL042How to Avoid Earthquake Damage in New Buildings19$114.00
OL049How to Avoid Electrical Hazard2$30.00
OL046How to Avoid Health Hazard in Plumbing Cross Connections6$90.00
OL045How to Avoid Lead Exposure in the Construction Industry5$15.00
OL044How to Build a Radon Resistant Home8$120.00
OL547How to Construct and Maintain Gravel Roads15$225.00
OL040How to Design Buildings Against Terrorist Attacks8$120.00
OL088How to Design Pile Foundations18$216.00
OL439How to Do Site Work for Construction7$105.00
OL041How to Evaluate & Repair Concrete Structures20$240.00
OL456How to Improve Soft Ground5$75.00
OL089How to Inspect, Evaluate and Repair Hydraulic Structures15$90.00
OL433How to Maintain Gravel Road20$240.00
OL528How to Make Basic Concrete at Home2$24.00
OL050How to Make Sure the Structures Built Near the Flood Zone are Safe3$45.00
OL527How to Manage your Dirt and Gravel Road3$45.00
OL526How to Mix Concrete by Hand2$30.00
OL043How to Preserve Historic Buildings18$270.00
OL432How to Put an Access Road on Your Property3$45.00
OL187How to Reduce Lead Hazard when Remodeling your Home2$12.00
OL090How to Save Energy and Money at Home2$30.00
OL438How to Select Cool Roofs3$36.00
OL314How to Use Wind Energy to Power your House3$45.00
OL186HVAC - Building Air Quality - A Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers30$349.00
OL395Illustrated Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings20$240.00
OL414Impact of Rework in Construction Cost2$24.00
OL126Installing Seismic Restraint for Duct and Pipe8$120.00
OL127Installing Seismic Restraints for Mechanical Equipment4$60.00
OL128Instrumentation for Concrete Structures26$156.00
OL054Landscape Design and Planning3$36.00
OL397Landscape Irrigation Design Manual18$216.00
OL261Landscape Irrigation Program6$72.00
OL428Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers1$15.00
OL55aMaintenance & Repair of Building Structure I3$36.00
OL55bMaintenance & Repair Of Building Structure II10$120.00
OL55cMaintenance & Repair Of Building Structure III20$120.00
OL056Maintenance of Surface Areas and Related Structures15$180.00
OL058Maintenance of Water Front Structures8$48.00
OL482Masonry Wall Collapse2$30.00
OL495Mast Climbing Platform Collapse in Austin, Texas4$48.00
OL427Minor Road Damage Repair3$45.00
OL060Natural Resources Land Management17$102.00
OL534New York Land Surveyors' Standards and Procedures Manual22$264.00
OL459One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees2$24.00
OL139Operation & Maintenance Best Practices22$264.00
OL336Operational Method for the Assessment of Existing Structures35$105.00
OL460OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety1$15.00
OL461Park Design Standards Manual6$54.00
OL063Pavement Maintenance6$36.00
OL064Pavement Maintenance Management15$90.00
OL475Pedestrian Bridge Collapse in Miami, Florida15$180.00
OL462Personal Protective Equipment4$48.00
OL494Plant Collapse at Omaha Nebraska4$60.00
OL429Pond Construction and Design6$72.00
OL430Porous Asphalt Pavement1$15.00
OL140Post Earthquake Evaluation and Repair of Welded Steel Design20$60.00
OL065Preventive Maintenance Program2$12.00
OL141Promoting Seismic Safety4$60.00
OL384Quality Control Quality Assurance Manual for Asphalt Concrete Production and Placement10$150.00
OL385Quality Control Quality Manual for Hot Mix Asphalt10$60.00
OL095Recommended Practice for the Design of Residential Foundations3$45.00
OL145Recommended Seismic Evaluation of Welded Designs20$60.00
OL066Repair of Rigid Pavement Using Epoxy2$12.00
OL386Residential Structural Design Guide52$312.00
OL525Residential Structural Guide 2nd Edition10$150.00
OL173Rock Foundations12$180.00
OL147Seismic Considerations for Steel Storage Racks15$180.00
OL070Site Planning and Design8$48.00
OL434Small Unmanned Craft for Surveying4$60.00
OL072Soil Stabilization for Pavements6$72.00
OL071Soils and Geology Procedures for Foundation Design of Buildings and Other Structures20$120.00
OL271Solar - Powered Livestock Watering Systems2$24.00
OL073Solar Water Heating4$60.00
OL097Stability Analysis of Concrete Structures15$90.00
OL098Standard Practice for Concrete Pavement6$36.00
OL195Standard Practice for Shotcrete4$60.00
OL047Steel Erection3$45.00
OL463Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan6$72.00
OL149Structural & Architectural Design of Pumping Stations7$42.00
OL435Surveying and Mapping with Drones1$12.00
OL169Swimming Pool Operation and Maintenance6$36.00
OL305Technical Painting for New Construction and Maintenance18$108.00
OL075Tornado Risks, Shelter and Recommendations4$60.00
OL490Trench Collapse1$15.00
OL152Typical Costs of Seismic Rehab of Existing Buildings8$24.00
OL436What is LiDAR Technology10$120.00
OL080Wire Rope Selection for Gate Operating Devices5$30.00
OL155Wood - Adhesive Bonding3$36.00
OL156Wood - Based Composites and Panel Products3$36.00
OL157Wood - Biodetrioration2$6.00
OL158Wood - Characteristic of Commercial Wood3$36.00
OL159Wood - Commercial Lumber2$24.00
OL160Wood - Drying, Moisture and Dimensional Changes2$24.00
OL161Wood - Fastening2$24.00
OL162Wood - Finishing4$12.00
OL102Wood - Fire Safety2$12.00
OL163Wood - Handbook36$216.00
OL103Wood - Lumber Stress Grade & Design2$30.00
OL164Wood - Mechanical Properties4$48.00
OL104Wood - Physical Properties3$45.00
OL165Wood - Preservation3$36.00
OL105Wood - Use in Buildings and Bridges2$30.00